Monday, August 16, 2010


My parents sent me to the doctor,
I've been sick for three months ,
Then i taught this is serious,She said that i had a slight asthma,
And she put me on the nebulizer,
The time that i was 'nebulizing" i cried by myself,
That time i was thinking all sorts of negative stuff,
i told myself that i might die you know that feeling,
Then the doctor ask me , "are u ok Dine,is there anything thats bothering you ?"
I said no doctor,then one tear start dropping from my eyes,and another & another,
I told her im scared of medication,i dont know whats goin on with myself...
She said its ok,maybe its due to stress,just calm yourself
I dont know whats goin on with me,am i stress am i worried,
It's a question mark for me....[ ? ]

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