Thursday, March 24, 2011

My New Hubby !!!


A Magical Walk !

It's the day...the day of my SPM result were out
I was so nervous that my did'nt even pump that day
It was like the first day of my driving lesson...wohhh~
So then me & my friends met up,we were like " are u?" *screaming*
so i got 2 A-,1 B,2 C+,1 C & 3 D's for my result
To me,it's ok,i tried my best,right?...But i think i could have done better
So my friends plan that we go to McD 2 celebrate
*to be honest i had a burger*
So about i dont know 3 hours later we decided that its time 4 us 2 go home
So after we step outside,a voice,(Harry)  "hey,guys long time no see"
It was my old friend,he moved school last year,so sudden he bumped into us
So my friends had 2 go back,so was i
But Harry kept talking,said how much i change,& he loves my hair
So i said 2 him that i needed 2 go home,my parents might get worried
That time i was alone,so he said 2 wait 4 him,he will walk with me
I was thinking,what should i do,i've never walked with A BOY before,NEVER
So we walk back,with his bag by his hand,french fries & a book on the other
So i helped him by saying,'what the,hahaha...give me the book"
He said thank u with a bubbly face
So talked all the way,so i said to myself that this is how it fells like 2 walk with
So i reached my house,he said goodbyewith a wave...
I said goodbye 2...that time how i wish he could turn around 2 see if i got in the house safely
ahhhhhhhhhhh~ ...but he did'nt he went straight home !

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


                  Kim Jae Wook is happily married